Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

It's been over 2 months since I posted here so I figured today was perfect. When you move in and out of reflecting upon your current life and all of the things that brought you to this moment, you realize that you have categorically aligned your memories. Fun, sad, difficult, amazing, transforming, etc. Whatever the memory or life experience is, it has a category tag. We all have them. Some we talk about freely, others we would rather just move on. That's life. So today as I'm reflecting and shuffling through random memories I'm sure at some point I'll think of you. And when I do, I will be thankful. Thankful that you are in my life. Thankful that I have been influenced in some way by your love and friendship. Thankful that we have shared some experience together and you have a unique place in my life. One that no one else can claim.